
eBook: Are You a Woman Ready to Grow an Empire?

This guide discusses the traits of a Women Growing an Empire and discusses the seven most common streams of income.

Whether you're forging your path as an entrepreneur or juggling corporate responsibilities while nurturing your side hustle, unlocking multiple streams of income is a game-changer.

It's not just about financial gain; it's about sculpting a robust financial ecosystem that empowers you.

Your Cheat Sheet to Napolean Hill’s Self-Confidence Formula

Think and Grow Rich, written by Napoleon Hill in 1937, is still among the 10 best selling self-help books of all time. Yes it can be hard to read, and frankly there are parts that are rather distasteful. However, if you push through those areas and really get to the source of his message - it is a classic business book. His emphasis on personal development is still quoted continuously in business circles.

This cheat sheet was created to remind our members that drive and purpose is what gets us to our goals!

Your Cheat Sheet to The eMyth Revisited

This guide is not meant to replace the book.

We LOVE this book and we highly recommend you purchase the book.

This cheat sheet was created by Maguire Marketing Group, sister company of Women Growing Empires, because we got so geeked out trying to ensure that we fully understood every element of his methodology. Every idea in this cheat sheet is completely plagiarized from Michael E. Gerber. We are pretty sure he won’t mind, because we tell everyone we know to buy all of his work.

Your Cheat Sheet to Napolean Hill’s Self-Confidence Formula

Let’s grow the business you want.

Whether you want to redesign your business model or grow your company, I’m here to help you focus on making the right decisions so that you can benefit from more profitable customers and increase your revenue.